Introducing the Impact Analytics Dashboard


Welcome to the Impact Analytics Dashboard, a powerful new tool designed for Kubicle Administrators.

This dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your organization's learning activities, empowering you to make data-driven decisions and optimize learning outcomes.

Here's a detailed guide to help you navigate and make the most of the new functionalities.

Home Panel

On the Home panel, you can quickly see key metrics about your organization:

  • Administrators: Number of administrators within your organization.
  • Learners: Number of active learners within your organization.
  • Learning Groups: Number of learning groups within your organization.

Each metric is clickable, allowing you to navigate directly to detailed pages for more information and management options.

Additionally, you will find the contact details of your Kubicle Customer Success Manager here. By clicking on the email icon next to their name, you can quickly send them an email for any support issue or inquiry.


At the top of the screen, you have two key filtering options:

  • Date Period: Filter the data displayed based on a specific date range.
  • Learning Groups: Filter the data based on one or more particular learning group(s).

By default, deactivated learners are not shown, but you can include them by selecting the  "Show Deactivated Learners" checkbox.


Quick Stats

The Quick Stats section provides an overview of key learning metrics at a glance, updated to reflect your selected filters:

  • Courses Completed: Total number of courses completed.
  • Semesters Completed: Total number of semesters completed.
  • Hours Spent Learning: Total hours spent by learners on learning activities.
  • CPD/CPE Credits Gained: Total CPD/CPE credits earned.

This section also displays the per learner average for each of the above, offering insights into overall learner engagement and progress.


Skill Transformation Snapshot

This section provides a visual representation of the current skill levels of your learners, categorized into:

  • Strong
  • Needs Improvement
  • Weak

The top bar shows the overall skill levels across all subjects, with individual subject skill levels displayed below.

Use the toggle on the right-hand side to switch between learners' initial skill levels when they joined Kubicle and their current skill levels.


Skills Gained by Subject

The Skills Gained by Subject section features a proportional area chart that visualizes course completions.

Each rectangle in the chart represents a subject, with its area proportional to the number of course completions in that subject, making it easy to analyze the distribution of skills gained across your organization.

By hovering over any of the areas in the chart, you can see detailed information on the number of unique learners who completed courses in that subject.


Completions Over Time

The Completions Over Time graph displays the progression of course completions over the chosen period.

This graph uses a weekly resolution, showing total completions that week as well as the average completions per active learner.

By analyzing this data, you can identify trends, seasonality, and other patterns in learning activity, helping you to optimize your training programs and support learner engagement effectively.



The Impact Analytics Dashboard is a powerful tool for Kubicle Administrators, providing comprehensive insights into learner progress and organizational performance.

By leveraging this dashboard, administrators can make informed decisions that drive strategic improvements and align learning initiatives with organizational goals.

Explore the new functionalities and unlock the potential of your organization’s learning journey.

Feel free to reach out to our dedicated customer success team if you have any questions or need further assistance with the Impact Analytics Dashboard.