A summary of Kubicle user types
There are three different types of Kubicle user account:
Organization Administrator
Learning Group Administrator
Organization Administrators
Organization Administrators are at the top of the Kubicle hierarchy for managing your Organization. They can review the learner progress of all Learning Groups and learners within their Organization. They can also allocate Licences among their Learning Groups and invite other users to become Organization Administrators.
Learning Group Administrators
Your organization's learners are typically segmented based on learning need and this structure is represented through Learning Groups. Learning Group Administrators are tasked with managing these groups to ensure learner progress. Learning Group Administrators can only view and modify the specific Learning Group they are assigned to.
All Learners have access to whatever training content they are licensed for. They can take their own skill checks, watch lessons, complete exercises and take exams. There are two main types of learning experience available to Kubicle learners:
Directed Learning
Learners who are engaged in Directed Learning will see the courses that have been selected as part of their current Semester.
Independent Learning
Independent Learners will see courses that they have selected when building their own Learning Plan. Courses can be selected from the Learning Plans licensed for that Learning Group.
Comparing User Types
You can view a comparison of Kubicle's different user types and related capabilities below:
✔ Available
✔ Available to ‘owned’ Learning Group only
🗶 Not Available