Exporting charts and slides as PNG files from Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint is a crucial step for submitting visual data in AI-assessed assignments. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for both Windows (PC) and macOS (Mac) users, ensuring
For Windows Users:
Exporting Charts from Excel:
Open your Excel document and navigate to the chart you wish to export.
Right-click on the chart to open the context menu.
Select 'Save as Picture' from the dropdown menu.
Choose JPG as the file type in the save dialog box and save your file to your desired location.
Exporting Slides from PowerPoint:
Open your PowerPoint presentation and go to the slide with the chart or graphic.
Select File -> Save As
Right-click and choose 'Save as Picture'.
Select either JPEG (Referred to sometimes as: JPEG File Interchange Format) as the file type in the save dialog box and save your file.

For Mac Users:
Exporting Charts from Excel:
Open your Excel document and select the chart you want to export.
Click on the chart to select it.
Right-click on the chart (or use Ctrl+Click) and select 'Copy'.
Open Preview and from the 'File' menu select 'New from Clipboard'.
Save the file by going to 'File' > 'Export'. Choose either 'PNG' or 'JPEG' from the format dropdown, and save your image.
Exporting Slides from PowerPoint:
Open your PowerPoint presentation and navigate to the slide that contains the chart or graphic.
Select the chart/graphic by clicking on it.
Right-click (or Ctrl+Click) and select 'Save as Picture'.
Choose either PNG or JPEG as the format in the save dialog box and save your file.
Alternative Capture Method: Taking Screenshots
If you are experiencing issues with exporting PNG or JPEG file using the instructions above, taking a screenshot is a reliable alternative. Here’s how to capture your charts on both PC and Mac:
For Windows (PC):
Using the Snipping Tool: Open the Snipping Tool from the Start menu. Click 'New', select the area of your screen containing the chart, and then save the screenshot as a PNG or JPEG file.
Using Keyboard Shortcuts: Press
Windows key + Shift + S
, then select the area you want to capture. The screenshot will be copied to your clipboard. Paste it into an image editor like Paint and save it.
For macOS (Mac):
Using Keyboard Shortcuts: Press
Command + Shift + 4
. Your cursor will change to a crosshair. Select the area of the screen you want to capture. The screenshot will automatically be saved to your desktop as a PNG file. -
Using Preview: Open Preview, click on 'File' in the menu bar, select 'Take Screenshot' from the dropdown menu, and choose 'From Selection'. Select your chart, and the screenshot will be saved.
Using screenshots ensures that you can still submit your charts if other methods fail, although you should always check the image quality and ensure all relevant details are visible and clear.
General Support for AI Assignments
If you require more general support or detailed guidelines regarding AI assignments, please refer to our comprehensive support document.
Troubleshooting Tips:
Ensure your chart or graphic is clearly visible and selected before attempting to copy or save it.
If the resolution of the image is not sufficient, check your application settings for export options that might increase the output quality.
This guide should assist users in successfully exporting their charts and graphics from Excel and PowerPoint into either PNG or JPEG format for submission in AI-assessed assignments. If there are any further questions or additional assistance is needed, please contact our Customer Success department.